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Archive: Page 184

The “End of the Story” for the T-TPLF in Ethiopia? [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

The obituary and epitaph for the Thugtatorship of the Tigrean Liberation Front (T-TPLF) was written last year by Bereket Simon, the former “communication minister” and longtime sidekick of the late criminal mastermind of the T-TPLF,...

Ethiopia arrests two Journalists and Human Rights activist [AHRE]

In the last five days Ethiopia arrests two journalists in relation with the ongoing mass protest in Oromia region. Journalist Fekadu Mirkana, who works for the state-run broadcaster radio and tv, was arrested at his Addis Ababa home on 19 December...

Ethiopian opposition figures arrested over land protests [Reuters]

Ethiopian police have arrested two senior opposition members on suspicion of inciting weeks of protests against government plans to set up a new economic zone near the capital that would displace farmers, their party leader said on Friday. The...

EU calls for peaceful dialogue to end killings in Ethiopia

The European Union (EU) calls on Ethiopian government and opposition to end peacefully through dialogue the ongoing conflicts in Oromia and Amhara regions of the country, which has caused the death of dozens of citizens, among others. “The...

Ethiopian Government Kill Protesters To Expand Addis Ababa [Adeola Fayehun-video]

It’s not business as usual, Enough is enough! people are Saying No! [Wondemagne Ejigu Kebede]

I want to commence this article with a little story, that I think will depict what I want to say metaphorically. It was some few years back. I was in Nairobi, Kenya for a few days. I was in a bus and suddenly a preacher with a bible in his hand...

Abadula Gemeda rebukes Mimi Sibhatu for insulting Oromo protesters

What Is Behind the Oromo Rebellion in Ethiopia? [Huffingtonpost]

The Ethiopian government is now faced with unprecedented rebellion from the Oromo ethnic group, consisting 35% of the Ethiopia’s population, which it disingenuously claims is inspired by terrorism. The immediate pretext is the Addis Ababa...