5:21 pm - Monday July 19, 1841

Archive: Page 186

Let Us Take Warning: It is a Dangerous Time for Ethiopia.[SMNE Press Release]

Washington, DC- On Wednesday, December 9, 2015 a group of courageous Oromo students from the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University made a strong statement of protest on behalf of Ethiopians at risk throughout the country! As planned...

Op-ed:The world must not forget the jailed journalists of Ethiopia [Amnesty International]

By Michelle Kagari and Nani Jansen Today, on International Human Rights Day, the Ethiopian journalist Eskinder Nega, who was convicted on trumped up terrorism charges, will have spent more than four years in jail. Eskinder is just one of many...

Reeyot Alemu's full speech at Center for the Rights of Ethiopian Women (CREW)

Dispatches: Yet Again, a Bloody Crackdown on Protesters in Ethiopia [HRW]

Felix Horne Researcher, Horn of Africa Student protests are spreading throughout Ethiopia’s Oromia region, as people demonstrate against the possibility that Oromo farmers and residents living near the capital, Addis Ababa, could be evicted...

Ethiopia’s worst drought in 50 years – over 10 million need food [Martin Plaut ]

                            This emergency appeal has just been put out by Save the Children. Martin ETHIOPIA DROUGHT: SAVE THE CHILDREN URGES INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO HEED EARLY WARNINGS OF LOOMING HUNGER CRISIS An early response...

Ethiopian Spring in a Winter of Discontent? [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

No one predicted the Arab Spring when it exploded on December 18, 2010sparking the Tunisian Revolution. No one could have predicted a street vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi would set himself on fire to protest harassment, abuse and humiliation...

EthioTube Exclusive - Short interview with Journalist Reeyot Alemu

Ethiopia's Rastafarian community living in limbo [news24]

Rastafarians around the world see Ethiopia as their spiritual home. Many of them believe the country’s last king, Haile Selassie, was a descendent of King Solomon and the messiah. Many of the men travelled thousands of kilometres to live...