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Archive: Page 209

Ethiopia's Blue Party Tries To Reacquaint Nation With Dissent [npr]

BY GREGORY WARNER Feven Tashome is a study in blue. The 21-year-old’s toenails are painted a rich cobalt, her scarf is baby blue and her leather handbag is ultramarine. To ordinary passersby in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, it’s...

Spyware vendor may have helped Ethiopia target journalists – even after it was aware of abuses, [washingtonpost]

By Andrea Peterson The Ethiopian government appears again to be using Internet spying tools to attempt to eavesdrop on journalists based in suburban Washington, said security researchers who call such high-tech intrusions a serious threat...

The Poison of Ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia's Body Politic[Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

The Thugtatorship of the Tigrean Peoples Liberation (T-TPLF) adopted its fabricated constitution for Ethiopia on December 8, 1994. The Preamble to that constitution declares, “We the Nations, Nationalities and People of Ethiopia…” have...

Jaw bone fossil discovered in Ethiopia is oldest known human lineage remains [The Guardian]

Around 400,000 years older than previous discovery of homo lineage, 2.8m-year-old jaw and five teeth was found on rocky slope in Afar region A lower jaw bone and five teeth discovered on a hillside in Ethiopia are the oldest remains ever found...

Bibi Came, Bibi Saw, Bibi Brought Nothing to the Table! [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

On March 3, 2015, Prime Minister Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netenyahu addressed a joint session of the United States Congress to deliver  his diktat: Pass a law to prevent President Obama from negotiating with Iran because any U.S. agreement with...

Ethiopian cinema focuses on prostitution [BBC]

By Emmanuel IgunzaBBC Africa, Addis Ababa Price of Love, in Amharic, has been nominated for Africa’s top film award at the Fespaco festival Ethiopian scriptwriter and film director Hermon Hailay says she grew up close to prostitutes. “I...


By Sasha Chavkin The World Bank has denied responsibility for the violent evictions of an indigenous group by a major client, the Ethiopian government, and declined to press for compensation for families that have been forced from...

The Battle Of Adwa: Why I’m Proud Of My Ethiopian Ancestors [Op-ed]

BY OKAYAFRICA Yesterday, March 1st, we received a message asking why there was no mention of the119th anniversary of Ethiopia’s victory at the Battle of Adwa on Okayafrica. The question came from Addis Ababa-based engineer Selam Kebede....