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Archive: Page 210

Tedros Adhanom caught in $20 million teen prize scandal[By Abebe Gellaw]

– Government of Australia and Rotary Foundation deny funding teenager ADDIS VOICE – The Foreign Minister of Ethiopia has been caught in an explosive web of lies with a schoolgirl as the Government of Australia and the Rotary Foundation...


BANK ABSOLVES ITSELF OF RESPONSIBILITY AND DENIES REDRESS TO VICTIMS by Inclusive Development International (March 2, 2015) – The World Bank has whitewashed damning evidence of widespread human rights abuses in connection with its flagship...

Birhanu Tezera & Jacky Gosee ''Wegene'' - New video

A Magna Carta for Ethiopia? [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

I am celebrating the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta Libertatum or the Great Charter of English Liberties. Whoa! Hold it! I understand your question! Why is a guy born in Africa (Ethiopia) now living in America  celebrating  a document...

British support for Ethiopia scheme withdrawn amid abuse allegations [theguardian ]

Department for International Development will no longer back $4.9bn project that critics claim has funded a brutal resettlement programme An Anuak woman at work in Abobo, a village in Ethiopia’s Gambella region. It has been...

Young Diaspora Ethiopian musicians are rising fast and gaining attention on the international scene [By Alemayehu G. Mariam - Professor]

They sing in English, but some include Amharic songs in their repertoire. Their lyrics are serious and spotlight social conditions. Their melodies are a fusion of Ethiopian, rock and jazz beats. They attract audiences across cultural lines....

ESAT Interview with Isaias Afwerki, Part 1 -2 & 3

part 1 part 2

Language hitch delays case against 101 illegal migrants [Daily Nation]

By STELLA CHERONO A case against 101 Ethiopians accused of being in Kenya illegally has delayed due to lack of an Amharic interpreter. The foreigners, who are said to have been on their way to South Africa, did not have travel documents, police...