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Archive: Page 212

‘Music is like gold’: Hip-hop in Amharic finds its voice in Ethiopia [Aljazeera International]

Mainstream rappers embrace the country’s dominant language while trying not to upset the government by James Jeffrey ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopian rapper DJ Same took out a smartphone and played a clip of a man...

Al Jazeera: The Stream - Ethiopia's media war [Video]

Ethiopia: stealing the Omo Valley, destroying its ancient Peoples [Megan Perry /Sustainable Food Trust ]

A land grab twice the size of France is under way in Ethiopia, as the government pursues the wholesale seizure if indigenous lands to turn them over to dams and plantations for sugar, palm oil, cotton and biofuels run by foreign corporations,...

Ethiopia’s Perfekt Elektion? Much Ado About Nothing![Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Who knows about Ethiopia’s perfekt elektion in May 2015? It is the middle of February 2015 as I write this commentary. But I always remember in November. I see some of my Ethiopian friends carrying long forlorn melancholy faces.  A few lines...

Gagging the media in Ethiopia [By Graham Peebles]

Suffocating dissent Nobody trusts politicians, but some governments are more despicable than others. The brutal gang ruling Ethiopia is especially nasty. They claim to govern in a democratic pluralistic manner, they say they observe human rights...

Exposed: “Honorable” Speaker Abadula Gemeda has fake degrees [By Abebe Gellaw]

Addis Voice can reveal that the 4th term speaker of the House of People’s Representatives has bought and used two fake degrees from a bogus university selling non-accredited diplomas online. ”Honorable” Abadula Gemeda, who is the chief...

Andy Tsege case: Ethiopia refuses to allow access to imprisoned British citizen [The Independent]

JONATHAN OWEN  Ethiopia has refused to allow a delegation of parliamentarians to visit a British dissident facing the death penalty in the African country. Andy Tsege, who is the secretary-general of a banned Ethiopian opposition movement,...

Ethiopia’s “Odious Debt” to the Odious World Bank [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Ethiopia as “sovereign deadbeat” state due to debts incurred by the T-TPLF In my last commentary, The World Bank and Ethiopia’s “Growth and Transformation”, I cryptically observed in passing, “… The USD$600 million is money the...