
Archive: Page 29

The Ethiopian picture. (Yilma Bekele)

The Ethiopian picture. Yilma Bekele  For four decades our country has been at war with itself. Ethiopians wake up with news of conflict, strife and bloodshed. Since the end of the Monarchy we have attempted twice before to form a harmonious...

Ditch the ethno-centric constitution: Ethiopia deserves better. Tadesse Walle (PhD), London

Ditch the ethno-centric constitution: Ethiopia deserves better Tadesse Walle (PhD), London   The ethno-centric constitution is a recipe of ethnic xenophobia, prejudice, inharmoniousness, and disintegration of historical Ethiopia, including...

Abiy Ahmed & Professor Al Mariam.

Abiy Ahmed & Professor Al Mariam. Since Abiy Ahmed came to power, Professor Al Mariam has been continually heaping praise after praise upon him.  Initially almost all Ethiopians did the same, hoodwinked by Abiy’s deceitful oratory...


A WAR AT THE DOOR ! BY FIKRE M  WORKNEH     It is unsettling, trying time for our mother land Old enemies are talking war  Out to shad her blood Take her drinking water and occupy all that she possessed      She has out lived...

Abiy Ahmed's Vilification of Amharas & Amhara Regional Force - Mesfin Arega 

Abiy Ahmed’s Vilification of Amharas & Amhara Regional Force  Mesfin Arega  “Amhara nationalism is dangerous for Ethiopia” (Abiy Ahmed) ”Failed coup in #Ethiopia’s Amhara state was an attempt by ethnic nationalists...

The Visit of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I to the United States,1 October 1963


Grave Concern. (By Yeheyis Ewnetu)

Grave Concern. By Yeheyis Ewnetu The following piece is about the “Independent/Neutral” International Investigation Team to be deployed in Tigray Region.  Following the brief but devastating recent war between the ‘federal’ government...

Why is America and her allies against us? (Terara Network)