
Archive: Page 34

Press conference: complaint to be filed against Dr. Tedros Adhanom at ICC

Reuters’ Fake News (By LJDemissie)

Reuters’ Fake News By LJ Demissie   “Fake news isn’t just news you don’t like. Fake news is designed to spread confusion and obscure the truth with lies, hoaxes and conspiracies, and there is a lot of it around…” according...


EHRC Press Statement TIGRAY: MAIKADRA MASSACRE OF CIVILIANS IS A CRIME OF ATROCITY REHABILITATE VICTIMS AND BRING PERPETRATORS TO JUSTICE 24 November 2020 The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has found that an atrocious massacre...

WHO influenced UNICEF to be the mouthpiece of TPLF.? (Yinegal Belachew)

WHO influenced UNICEF to be the mouthpiece of TPLF.? Yinegal Belachew This time around is becoming too terrible! It is highly horrifying that this world is being immersed in an ocean of lies. And it is naturally true that lying, as any behavioral...

Replacing  a “TPLF Junta” operative by an “OLF Shene” operative to head AU Security  (Achamyelh Tameru)

Replacing  a “TPLF Junta” operative by an “OLF Shene” operative to head AU Security  Achamyelh Tameru Abiy Ahmed accuses the “TPLF junta” & “OLF Shene” for the in tandem attacking of  the troops of the Northern Command...

Some Misperceptions about the TPLF’s War on Ethiopia  (By Worku Aberra (Professor))

Some Misperceptions about the TPLF’s War on Ethiopia  By Worku Aberra – Professor There is mounting pressure on the Ethiopian government from many corners to stop its armed conflict with the TPLF. The AU, EU, IGAD, the UN, Western...

What the African Arguments article on the current crisis in Ethiopia misses. (Z.Tesfaye)

What the African Arguments article on the current crisis in Ethiopia misses. Z.Tesfaye Today, November 13, 2020 africanarguments.org published an article by Nick Westcott of whom it is said, he has an over 40 years experience in Africa as a...

Youtube’s blatant discrimination against African media companies and content creators - Mereja.com

Youtube’s blatant discrimination against African media companies and content creators Mereja.com Google, one of the largest and most powerful corporations in the world, is the owner of Youtube, a video platform with over 2 billion...