
Archive: Page 94

Ethiopia to begin extracting crude oil in its southeast - Reuters

ADDIS ABABA, June 27 (Reuters) – Ethiopia will begin extracting crude oil on a test basis from reserves in the country’s southeast this week, state-affiliated media and the prime minister’s office said on Wednesday.  Fitsum Arega,...

Ethiopia says forces behind grenade attack could strike again - REUTERS

The forces behind Saturday’s grenade attack at a rally in Ethiopia attended by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed could strike again, the government said on Wednesday, urging the public to remain vigilant at public gatherings. Thirty arrests have been...

Use new diplomacy between Ethiopia-Eritrea to improve rights, says UN

Geneva — A diplomatic thaw between Ethiopia and Eritrea must be used to improve the devastating human rights conditions facing the Eritrean people, a UN special rapporteur said on Wednesday. “While peace is being negotiated, while rapprochement...

Is love a winning message for Ethiopia? (By the Monitor's Editorial Board)

A new prime minister, even in the face of a brutal attack, preaches ‘love wins’ to a country in need of a new political narrative. As Africa’s second most populous country and its fastest growing economy, Ethiopia is extraordinary in many...

Eritrean officials visit Ethiopia for first time in 20 years - BBC

he first high-level Eritrean delegation to visit Ethiopia in decades has arrived for a meeting which could ease military tension. Eritrea won independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a 30-year conflict – but a border war five years later...

Ethiopia: Vital footage of Meskel Square incident

FBI to help probe into Ethiopia rally blast - AFP

By AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Jun 25 – The US is sending the FBI to help investigate a grenade attack in Addis Ababa which killed two people at a rally addressed by Ethiopia’s reformist prime minister, state media said...

Dr Abiy Ahmed donate blood to victims receiving medical care