I join you joyfully in ringing in 2007 and ringing out 2008.
For my Ethiopian readers in the United States, September 11 (Ethiopian New Year’s Day, Meskerem 1) is a festive day of celebration as well as a day that shall live in infamy.
On September 11, 2011, the terrorist group al-Qaeda coordinated four attacks in the United States causing the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians.
In the new Ethiopian year, 2008, I pray and hope for understanding, harmony and peace in Ethiopia, the United States of America and the world.
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace,” said Jimi Hendrix.
It is my fervent wish that in 2007 Ethiopians, particularly young Ethiopians, will use their power of love to overcome those who love power, abuse, misuse and are corrupted by power.
I invite all my weekly readers to join me in 2008 in standing up against tyranny, hate and injustice and for human rights and dignity.
History will not judge us on the fact that we failed to achieve our aims but by the level of commitment and effort we put out to achieve them.
We just need to be fleas against injustice and act collectively and strategically to make the biggest, richest and meanest dogs uncomfortable and transform Ethiopia.
The mighty United States Marines are always “looking for a few good men” to fight wars.
Me, I am just looking for a few good fleas to join me in the fight against injustice and for human rights in Ethiopia in 2008!
Melkam Inqutatash!!!
La luta continua!
“If you ever think you’re too small to be effective, you’ve never been in bed with a mosquito!” (or fleas?) – Wendy Lesko