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TPLF and its hidden international crimes that the world is happy to ignore!  (Achamyelh Tameru)

TPLF and its hidden international crimes that the world is happy to ignore!  Achamyelh Tameru The TPLF loyal servant Martin Plaut has reported earlier last week on Twitter that the Ethiopian government has transported 42 tons of chemical...

Delusional Ethiopian Politics, Journalists/Activists and TPLF - Biruk Desalegn

Delusional Ethiopian Politics, Journalists/Activists and TPLF Biruk Desalegn Regarding TV, FM, youtube, as well as so called activists in the social media in Ethiopia  (respecting all their efforts and sacrifices), in reference to their comment...


ETHIOPIAN IN THE FUTURE TIME!   DEREJE MELAKU In sum, there can be no peace or prosperity without first valuing our history and its national unity in diversity!   An important first step would be to re-engineer and nationalize our...

Urgent Appeal to the Congregation of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, Including Former Youth Pastor of the Church, Senator Raphael Warnock - Mesfin Arega

Urgent Appeal to the Congregation of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, Including Former Youth Pastor of the Church, Senator Raphael Warnock Mesfin Arega Greetings dear congregation of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, including...

Amhara Contributions to Ethiopian Civilization. (By Prof. Fikre Tolossa)

Amhara Contributions to Ethiopian Civilization. By Prof. Fikre Tolossa In this article I will attempt to depict a few of the contributions of the Amhara to Ethiopian Civilization. A number of the contributions of the Amhara people to Ethiopian...

Abiy Ahmed & Ethiopian Evangelicals - Mesfin Arega

Abiy Ahmed & Ethiopian Evangelicals   Mesfin Arega “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”   Attributed to Abraham Lincoln Abiy Ahmed...

Inserting foreign objects into women’s uterus was heinous sexual violence perpetrated in Tigray while TPLF was in power! 

Inserting foreign objects into women’s uterus was heinous sexual violence perpetrated in Tigray while TPLF was in power!  Achamyeleh Tamiru The level of sexual violence on women of Tigray under TPLF’s rule was shocking and horrifying....

Using one’s problem(s) for profit is the gravest sin - Ambachew Dejene (Ethiopia)

Using one’s problem(s) for profit is the gravest sin Ambachew Dejene (Ethiopia) There are six things the LORD hates— no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet...