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The making of a ‘beggar nation’: The case of Ethiopia (GIRMA BERHANU, Professor )

The making of a ‘beggar nation’: The case of Ethiopia Part 1 GIRMA BERHANU Professor  GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY Department of Education and Special Education Västra Hamngatan 25, A-hus room 168 Mail address: Box 300, 405 30 Göteborg office:...

Abiy Ahmed’s Amhara Phobia  - By Tigist Bekka

Abiy Ahmed’s Amhara Phobia  By Tigist Bekka When Abiy came to power, like most Ethiopians, I was swept away by Abiymania. Like the late professor Mesfin Wolde Mariam, I was convinced that Lemma Megersa and Abiy Ahmed, the youthful duo, the...

Terrorism, dictatorship, and the west: the case of South Africa and Russia - Mesfin Arega

Terrorism, dictatorship, and the west: the case of South Africa and Russia Mesfin Arega Quote: “Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch”         President F. D. Roosevelt (about the brutal dictator of Nicaragua) Fact:...

Abiy's Quest for Power for Power's Sake and the Wollega-Zone New Auschwitz [GIRMA BERHANU (Professor)]

Abiy’s Quest for Power for Power’s Sake and the Wollega-Zone New Auschwitz GIRMA BERHANU Professor It now seems evident that Abiy Ahmed, when he first appeared on the Ethiopian political main scene, was supported by virtually...

My humble advice for President Putin: (Mesfin Arega)

My humble advice for President Putin: go nuclear Mesfin Arega Western countries are striving to maintain the world order they themselves concocted to make it beneficial only for them.  They are also the ones who regularly violate their own...

US, Russia, and the nuclear option - Mesfin Arega

US, Russia, and the nuclear option   Mesfin Arega The US made the first atomic bomb through basically what amounted to slave labor of world scientists concentrated in a maximum-security camp called Los Alamos.  Ever since then, it has...

Eskinder Nega and Balderas (by Nebyou Woubshet)

Eskinder Nega and Balderas By Nebyou Woubshet For the last four years the Ethiopian people have lived through silent suffering. The frightening silence, encircling the Ethiopian sky,  some call it fear, some call it public wisdom, and other ...

The increasing Atrocities and Killings of Innocent Amhara Civilians – Yet the Little is spoken

The increasing Atrocities and Killings of Innocent Amhara Civilians – Yet the Little is spoken By Abel Eshetu Gebremedhin (PhD Candidate, AAU) As the world is focused on Russia-Ukraine war, a grave genocide is taking place in Ethiopia. Increasing...