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- Turkish president Erdogan: a shameless hypocrite.
Turkish president Erdogan: a shameless hypocrite
Mesfin Arega
Turkish president Erdogan is one of the loudest, if not the loudest, critics of Israel and the United States, accusing the former of committing genocide in Gaza and the latter of...

Ethiopia’s Nobel Peace Prize winner’s latest motto: everything to the war front
Ethiopia’s Nobel Peace Prize winner’s latest motto: everything to the war front
If the west was complicit in the Rwandan genocide, it certainly is an accomplice in the ongoing Amhara genocide.
Ethiopia’s Nobel Peace Prize winner,...

How to Avert the Looming Battle for Addis Ababa
How to Avert the Looming Battle for Addis Ababa
Girma Berhanu (Professor)
The time has come. As it stands, the Fano have their eyes firmly on Addis Ababa. The capture of the city will send an unequivocal message not only in Ethiopia,...

Youth Unemployment Fueled by Ethnic Nationalism in Ethiopia
Youth Unemployment Fueled by Ethnic Nationalism in Ethiopia
By: Abel Eshetu Gebremedhin (PhD Candidate AAU)
Youth unemployment is a socio-economic problem as a result of demographic, social and economic factors. According to Organization...

Made to Shoulder the Shame: The Sin-bearing High School Leavers. Signs of the failed education and training policy of Ethiopia
Made to Shoulder the Shame: The Sin-bearing High School Leavers
Signs of the failed education and training policy of Ethiopia
By: Abel Eshetu Gebremedhin
(PhD Candidate at Addis Ababa University)
As reported by Ministry of...

Abiy Ahmed: excerpts from the genocidal speeches of Ethiopia’s Nobel Peace Prize winner
Abiy Ahmed: excerpts from the genocidal speeches of Ethiopia’s Nobel Peace Prize winner
Mesfin Arega
“If you try to threaten my power even slightly, hundreds of thousands will be slaughtered in a single night.” (Abiy Ahmed)
Abiy Ahmed...

Genital maiming and Male Rape as a Political Tool in ‘Oromo war’ against the Amhara people
Genital maiming and Male Rape as a Political Tool in ‘Oromo war’ against the Amhara people
Author Contact Information:
Girma Berhanu, Professor
Department of Education and Special Education (Professor)
University of Gothenburg

Ethiopia on the brink of a new era: Addis Ababa awaits Fano’s liberation
Ethiopia on the brink of a new era:
Addis Ababa awaits Fano’s liberation
Author Contact Information:
Girma Berhanu (Professor)
Department of Education and Special Education
University of Gothenburg, Sweden