
Archive: Page 15

The peace dividend: justice - Berhanu Zergaw

The peace dividend: justice Berhanu Zergaw berhanuz@gmail.com  While the specter of a probable civil war is haunting our country, the dark cloud of sorrow, grief and agony seem to create a yearning for peace to be delivered by almighty God...

Some thoughts about Amhara struggle for existential struggle agains two tribal Monsters - Girma Berhanu (professor)

Thoughts on the Amhara Existential Struggle Against TPLF and OLF/PP Tribal Extremists: Can Ethiopia Survive the Scourge of the two Extreme Centrifugals? In honour of the teachers and journalists Meskerem Abera and Tadios Tantu, who are now being...

Wenbersh: New Ethiopian Music 2022 (Offical Video)

Abush Zeleke: New Ethiopian Music 2022

Betrayal and Resentment felt by the Amhara people - By Shimelis Amare

Betrayal and Resentment felt by the Amhara people   By Shimelis Amare About five years ago, when the Prime Minister (PM) took power, the vast majority of Ethiopians at home and abroad welcomed him with the hope that he is our “Moses”...


BEFORE THE NEXT MASSACRE BURY THE NATION ITSELF By: Shimelis Amare At the darkest time of Hitler’s Germany, a prominent German Pastor who found himself in a situation where he didn’t expect, wrote the following: First, they came for the...

White & black versus piggy & ebony - Mesfin Arega

White & black versus piggy & ebony Mesfin Arega White & black versus piggy & ebony The time for “white Christmas”, “white Jesus”, and “white Santa” is the most appropriate time for discussing the very terms “white”...

The making of a ‘beggar nation’: The case of Ethiopia (GIRMA BERHANU, Professor )

The making of a ‘beggar nation’: The case of Ethiopia Part 1 GIRMA BERHANU Professor  GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY Department of Education and Special Education Västra Hamngatan 25, A-hus room 168 Mail address: Box 300, 405 30 Göteborg office:...