
Archive: Page 14

The increasing Atrocities and Killings of Innocent Amhara Civilians – Yet the Little is spoken

The increasing Atrocities and Killings of Innocent Amhara Civilians – Yet the Little is spoken By Abel Eshetu Gebremedhin (PhD Candidate, AAU) As the world is focused on Russia-Ukraine war, a grave genocide is taking place in Ethiopia. Increasing...

Hope in Ethiopia?  (Analysis. By Gregory Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs.)

Hope in Ethiopia?   Analysis. By Gregory Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs.  How is it possible to find hope for Ethiopia in the wake of hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and millions of people displaced and impoverished...

The west sees hope in the “hopeless continent”: thanks China - Mesfin Arega

The west sees hope in the “hopeless continent”: thanks China Mesfin Arega “G7 aims to raise $600 billion to counter China’s Belt and Road” “Group of Seven leaders pledged on Sunday to raise $600 billion in private and public...

Oromo invasion over Ethiopia - By Getiye Yalew

Oromo invasion over Ethiopia By Getiye Yalew Abiy Ahimed’s ruling is building the Oromo supremacy over Ethiopia. This is the 50+ years dream of Oromo politics. Abiy and his companion cells made the ruling prosperity party a tool for invasion. To...

CNN’s fake news on the TOLE massacre - Mesfin Arega

CNN’s fake news on the TOLE massacre Mesfin Arega “Ethiopian Prime Minister and rebel group blame each other for apparent civilian massacre” CNN, July 6, 2022 What CNN tries to belittle as an “apparent civilian massacre” is an irrefutable,...

Cannibalism’, Dismemberment and Necropolitics: Mass-atrocities/genocide in Ethiopia’s Oromia region against the Amhara people -Girma Berhanu (Professor)

Cannibalism’, Dismemberment and Necropolitics: Mass-atrocities/genocide in Ethiopia’s Oromia region against the Amhara people   Author Contact Information: Girma Berhanu (Professor) Department of Education and Special Education University...

- The Fate & Future Of Ethiopia Is In Ethiopians' Hand | One Africa

TEDDY AFRO - ናዕት (እያመመው ቁጥር ፪)