Archive: Page 13
Ethiopia: Amhara People, Betrayed Persecuted and Ignored - BY GRAHAM PEEBLES
Ethiopia: Amhara People, Betrayed Persecuted and Ignored
Throughout the world the ideology of division and intolerance has permeated mainstream politics and poisoned societies; tribal nationalism, hate and...
Plagiarism in Abiy Ahmed’s PhD Thesis: How will Addis Ababa University handle this? - by WORLD PEACE FOUNDATION
Plagiarism in Abiy Ahmed’s PhD Thesis: How will Addis Ababa University handle this?
Alex de Waal, Jan Nyssen, Gebrekirstos Gebreselassie, Boud Roukema and Rundassa Eshete
Ever since Abiy Ahmed...
A Looming Geopolitical Disaster in the Horn of Africa: Ethiopia’s growing fragility and instability - Girma Berhanu(Professor)
A Looming Geopolitical Disaster in the Horn of Africa: Ethiopia’s growing fragility and instability
Girma Berhanu (Professor)
Having won the Cold War globally, the US-led West midwifed the birth of a new post-Dergue Political Order...
Systemic starvation as a political tool: The jerry-can Protest case in Guraghe, Ethiopia - By Desalegn Birara
Systemic starvation as a political tool: The jerry-can Protest case in Guraghe, Ethiopia
By Desalegn Birara*
Introductory Discussion
Ethiopia is one of the countries with federalist government structure. The federal structure...
Ethiopia: the newest and the only protectorate of the United States in Africa - Mesfin Arega
Ethiopia: the newest and the only protectorate of the United States in Africa
Mesfin Arega
A protectorate is a state that is controlled and protected by another state, and a country is surely in full control of another country if...
Black Grazziani Abiy Ahmed Defeated Unarmed Ethiopians at the Battle of MENELIK Square on Adwa Victory Day !
Black Grazziani Abiy Ahmed Defeated Unarmed Ethiopians at the Battle of MENELIK Square on Adwa Victory Day !
In the early hours of Yekatit 23, 2015 EC hundreds of thousands of Addis Ababans converged on...